2018 Preseason Update

The 2018 season kicks off tomorrow night and the Milton Coed SPL Executive hopes you are looking forward to the new year as much as we are.  In anticipation of the season kickoff a few housekeeping/items League Members should be know about

2018 Schedule
The full 2018 schedule which was distributed at the Team Rep meeting has been now imported into our website and available for members to view.  The direct link is herehttp://www.miltoncoedspl.ca/viewScores.php?leagueid=1 
A reminder you can sort the schedule by your team only – which is a handy feature .
Follow this link if you want to subscribe to your team schedule from the calendar on your smartphone or computer. http://www.miltoncoedspl.ca/iCalendar/iCalendarSubscription.php
Seven Inning Game
During the Team Rep meeting – a majority of teams agreed to change our games to a seven-inning game to move in-line with other SPO leagues.
Milton Coed SPL will now play seven-inning games with an optional mercy after five innings.  Inning six and seven will be open innings.  For the optional mercy – the losing team can choose to call the game after five complete innings if they are down by 15 runs or more.  Should the losing team determine to continue playing after five innings,  a seven-inning game would be played (keep in mind the home team would not bat in the seventh inning if they were winning)
The Executive has approved the following wording which will be reflected in our Rules & Regulations:
  • Games will be played to 7 innings (if the designated home team is leading, then the bottom half of the inning is not played)

  • Maximum 5 runs per inning; runs unlimited in innings 6 & 7 innings

  • OPTIONAL MERCY RULE: is only to be called at the end of the 5th inning when one team has 15 or more runs than the other; 5th inning is not an open inning even when mercy may be called.

    • Only the losing team may call the mercy rule

    • Should the losing team decline a full seven-inning game must be completed

For transparency – 10 teams voted in favour of this change at the Team Rep Meeting (1 vote per team).  These 10 teams were all present at the meeting.

Rules & Regulations
All team members should review the 2018 Rules & Regulations.  Team Reps should print and have a copy of these rules on the bench to solve any disputes that may arise.

Registration 2018

The Milton Mall has canceled its annual amateur sports registration day. The Milton Coed SPL Executive is working on a few options for registration (waivers and payment) and more details will be available in the coming weeks.

For returning teams team reps need to pre-register by filling out the form via this link: https://goo.gl/forms/F9eb6Mk3V0gQLMsv1  
Teams have until Tuesday, February 20th, at 12:00 pm to confirm their intent they are returning to play as part of Milton Coed SPL for the 2018 season.  This is a team registration form for returning Team Reps to fill out.  Only 1 rep per team needs to complete the form.
For individuals new to the league please fill out Wait List Form. Once team registration is complete – a person will contact you if a position is available in our league (often times there is a need for free-agent players)
For full teams looking to join the league  – please contact president@miltoncoedspl.ca